Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to live. Since the pandemic, costs for both rental and owner-occupied housing have risen substantially, putting additional pressure on our community, especially low-income families.

Our funding supports the development and retention of affordable rental housing in the Rapid City area, often with additional family support so families remain stable, reliable tenants.

Grantmaking Strategy


Increase the number of affordable housing rental units in Rapid City

Be opportunistic in funding projects as they emerge to develop, retain, or rehab affordable housing projects for those earning 60-80% of Area Median Income


Establish affordable housing voucher system for families

Support access to affordable housing for families already enrolled in existing JTVF wrap-around grant programs making 60% of the Area Median Income or less

Our Stories

Picture of Rapid City House
Fast Facts on Rapid City Housing

Fast Facts on Rapid City Housing

Access to stable, safe, and affordable housing is a foundational need for families and individuals working towards economic stability. Since the pandemic, costs for both rental and owner-occupied housing have risen substantially, putting additional pressure on our...

Current Grantees

Value of affordable housing grants as of June 2024

CommonBond Communities

Provide supportive services to residents of the Radiant-an affordable housing complex


Behavior Management Systems

For continuation of the New Start Housing Collaborative Program to provide housing vouchers


Black Hills Area Community Foundation

Contribution to the Rapid City Strategic Housing Trust Fund for the development of affordable housing


Black Hills Area Community Foundation

One-year matching funds to establish a Housing Trust Fund for the Box Elder Area


Black Hills Area Community Foundation

One-time funding for the Memorial Park Apartments Fund to address needs of low-income seniors affected by the Memorial Park Accident



Rapid City Strategic Housing Trust Fund

The Rapid City Strategic Housing Trust Fund (the “Strategic Housing Trust Fund”) was created in 2020 to address the affordable housing shortfall in Rapid City. Housed at the Black Hills Area Community Foundation, the Strategic Housing Trust Fund takes a long-term approach to the affordable housing issues faced by our community through revolving funds for housing development.

Our role: Founding member, funder. Alan from the JTVF team sits on the Advisory group for this work.


Rapid City Community Investment Committee

This committee reviews requests for City funding for social services programs and the Community Development Block Grant, and makes recommendations to the Common Council regarding the selection of sub-grantees.

Our role: Alan from the JTVF team participates in this committee through mayoral appointment.


Learn more about the grant application process.