Real change happens when the needs of families and their children are met simultaneously. We make grants to organizations to do just that. We hope to build family wellbeing by intentionally and simultaneously meeting the needs of children and the adults in their lives.
Affordable Housing
Increase access to quality affordable low-income housing opportunities.
Early Learning
Expand access and affordability of quality early learning/childcare programs.
Economic Mobility
Provide scholarship and mentor supports to those needing further education to reach economically stable employment.
Basic Needs
Support low-income access to food, physical and behavioral health, safety, social belonging and culture, and transportation.
Accepting Applications for Basic Needs
We currently only accept applications for grants that support low-income access to food, physical and behavioral health, safety, social belonging and culture, and transportation.
Compelling grant applicants outline a program or project that:
- benefits low-income individuals or families
- addresses a demonstrated community need that falls within our basic needs priority area (food, physical/behavioral health, safety, social belonging/culture, or transportation)
- cultivates trusting and collaborative relationships within the community
- have other funding secured beyond John T. Vucurevich Foundation dollars
Do I Qualify
Your grant idea must fall within our basic needs priority area, which we define as food, physical and behavioral health, safety, social belonging and culture, and transportation.
Your grant idea should serve the Rapid City Area. We believe that our efforts to support low-income families are most effective when they operate in a limited number of geographic locations in full partnership with communities. We concentrate the majority of our funding in the Rapid City Area but do fund some work in neighboring communities where we have a longstanding history of grantmaking and strong partnerships.
We do NOT fund individuals, school affiliated trips, museums, animal-related projects, political campaign activities, direct religious activities, international requests, benefit events, event sponsorships, sports activities, publications, video, and film production, camp development and infrastructure, and requests from form letters.
We do NOT normally fund endowments or organizations less than five years old.
How to Apply
We help you put your best foot forward. This means we help your organization at all stages of the process. Sometimes this even means helping you decide your request isn’t a fit for our organization.
Step 1: Review Eligibility
Take a look at our FAQs to see if your organization is a good fit.
Step 2: Online Letter of Inquiry
This isn’t actually a letter. It’s a process by which we get to know more about your organization and what you want to do.
Step 3: Online Grant Application
We work with you to complete your online application through our grants management software.
Step 4: Grant Report
Grant reporting is a requirement for all grant awards. Report expectations vary depending on the nature and size of the grant and will be discussed with grantee as needed. Grant reports must be received and approved from the grantee before the Foundation will consider future requests.
Is my organization a good fit?
Compelling grant applicants outline a program or project that:
- benefits low-income individuals or families
- addresses a demonstrated community need that falls within our basic needs priority area (food, physical/behavioral health, safety, social belonging/culture, or transportation)
- cultivates trusting and collaborative relationships within the community
- have other funding secured beyond John T. Vucurevich Foundation dollars
Is there a deadline for submitting our application?
No. We accept grant applications year round and do not have a defined grant cycle with specific submission deadlines. If we find you to be eligible and a good fit, our staff will set an application timeline specific to your organization.
What is your average grant size?
We rarely give out grants that total more than $100,000 per year. (Though sometimes we do give multi year grants at that amount.) We do make larger program investments for grantees that fall within our affordable housing, early learning, and economic mobility focus areas.
Who makes the grantmaking decisions?
Our board makes decisions on grantmaking in the affordable housing, early learning, and economic mobility priority areas. They also decide on basic needs applications over $100,000. Staff determine grantmaking for basic needs applications under $100,000.
What is the timeline from application to decision?
This depends. Our staff will be as transparent as possible with you during the application process. For some grants the process takes a few months, for others, longer.
Can I apply again if I was denied in the past?
Yes, you can.