Our application process is designed for us to get to know you and your organization better. We accept grant applications year-round and do not have a defined grant cycle with specific submission deadlines. If we find you to be eligible and a good fit, our staff will set an application timeline specific to your organization.
We look for partners that are dedicated to meeting the basic needs of low-income families in our community in the following areas:
- Food
- Physical and Behavioral Health
- Safety
- Social Belonging and Culture
- Transportation
How to Apply
We help you put your best foot forward. This means we help your organization at all stages of the process. Sometimes this even means helping you decide your request isn’t a fit for our organization.
Step 1: Review Eligibility
Take a look at our FAQs to see if your organization is a good fit.
Step 2: Online Letter of Inquiry
This isn’t actually a letter. It’s a process by which we get to know more about your organization and what you want to do.
Step 3: Online Grant Application
We work with you to complete your online application through our grants management software.
Step 4: Grant Report
Grant reporting is a requirement for all grant awards. Report expectations vary depending on the nature and size of the grant and will be discussed with grantee as needed. Grant reports must be received and approved from the grantee before the Foundation will consider future requests.