Announcing July Basic Needs Grantees

Announcing July Basic Needs Grantees

Three cheers for our July 2023 grantees Wellfully and Journey On! These organizations serve some of our most vulnerable community members. Learn more about these incredible programs and what they plan to do with our investment. Wellfully $305,000 for one year to...
Why You Should Attend Our Poverty Escape Room

Why You Should Attend Our Poverty Escape Room

Can you escape a day in crisis? Based on real experiences in the Rapid City community, our Poverty Escape Room offers you a vivid opportunity to become a more compassionate neighbor. We won’t spoil the experience for you, but we can share how this unique learning...
Sneak Peak at JTVF Early Learning Investments

Sneak Peak at JTVF Early Learning Investments

We are so excited about two of our upcoming early learning investments that we couldn’t stop ourselves from giving you a sneak peek! In 2024, we will launch two pilot programs to address the child care crisis faced by local families. Bridgecare: the Zillow of Child...
What Is a Livable Wage Anyway?

What Is a Livable Wage Anyway?

What is a livable wage? A simple question with a surprisingly complex answer. A livable wage is the household income needed to meet minimum standards of living in our community. The Living Wage Model, developed by MIT, is only a ‘step up’ from poverty as it only...