We can’t keep it to ourselves any longer, Oaye Luta Okolakiciye is the recipient of a $75,000 one-year Basic Needs Grant. This grant will support talking circles in all Rapid City Middle Schools for the 2023-2024 school year.
One-Year Support for Middle School Talking Circles
About Middle School Talking Circles
Oaye Luta Okalakiciye (Moving Forward in a Sacred Way) will provide talking circles in all the Rapid City Area Middle Schools. The circle is a widely shared symbol among indigenous cultures; all of life, seen and unseen, moves in circles and cycles. The circle symbolizes a key philosophy for understanding the relationship of people to everything in their environment and represents many things to Indigenous peoples. It represents the circle of life, the seasons, unity and harmony among all creation, and the importance of striving for balance and harmony. The Talking Circle brings culturally appropriate trust and sincerity to students and families.
Talking Circles encourage accountability as an Indigenous student, adolescent, and upcoming adult. This unique identity development program enhances Lakota ceremony as a foundation to a way of life in balance with our environment, earth and universe. OLO staff work with the students and parent/guardian to develop a relationship of trust, support, and accountability. They also provide tutoring sessions for the students and parenting classes for the adults in their families. There are also optional sessions on language, anger management, financial literacy, independent living skills, job interviewing skills, cultural orientation to ceremony protocol, and culinary art classes.

About OLO
Oaye Luta Okalakiciye (Moving Forward in a Sacred Way) is a substance abuse addiction prevention, intervention, and continuum of care by reconnecting Lakota traditional values through healing in youth, adults, families and communities. OLO started with ceremonial guidance and a vision in 2012 by Gene Tyon, Executive Director, and Founder. OLO primarily serves indigenous youth and families, however OLO doesn’t turn anyone away who has a desire for different way of life.