At JTVF, we know that so many of our neighbors are continually breaking barriers and creating opportunities.  We stand alongside them with our Economic Mobility Scholarships. These scholarships uplift students in the Rapid City and Black Hills area by easing the financial burdens of pursuing post-secondary education. Rather than awarding individuals directly (as a private foundation we are legally prohibited from giving to individuals), we work with local institutions like Black Hills State University and Western Dakota Technical College, among others. These schools create their own criteria for awarding scholarships, targeting students who face significant financial challenges.

The scholarships provide more than just financial relief. For many recipients, this is their first-ever scholarship, and it validates their hard work and potential. Awards typically range from $1,500 to $2,500 per semester, and the funds can be used to cover tuition, living expenses, or other financial gaps. By reducing the cost burden, students can focus on their academic goals, giving them a better chance of completing their education and securing a livable-wage job after graduation.

“I am a father of two children and work full time while being a full-time student. With this scholarship I am able to more easily focus on my studies with considerable less stress on my shoulders. I am excited to fulfill my goals of being a college graduate and use my degree to pursue a career in agricultural banking.”

2024 Scholarship Recipient

Student, Black Hills State University

Economic Mobility Scholarships History

The JTVF Economic Mobility Scholarships began in 2007 at BHSU, initially focusing on academic excellence in math and science. Over the years, we expanded to include nursing programs, workforce development, and general scholarships at a variety of institutions. Though nursing scholarships continue at South Dakota State University and Oglala Lakota College, our goal has shifted from filling workforce shortages to concentrating on individual students and their families. We want to help them achieve educational credentials that will empower them to support themselves and their families, reducing the need for assistance programs like SNAP or housing aid.

Looking Forward

Looking ahead, we continue to refine our scholarship strategy for the 2024-2026 academic years. Our commitment remains focused on our local neighbors, ensuring that the students who have roots here can find stability and success without having to look elsewhere. For students interested in applying, we encourage them to connect with their school’s financial aid office to learn more about available opportunities.